Friday, May 2, 2008


Well. the kids are really happy that it is Friday, and I actually get to sleep in (until 8:00am) tomorrow so we're celebrating. It's Bloomsday weekend in Spokane and there are a million people everywhere. A trip to Costco that would normally take me 30 minutes, was more like 75 with the amount of people in the store. It was almost as bad as a Saturday. The kids and I decided we'd play outside for a little while today because the weather is gorgeous!! Finally!! I've posted some pictures of our adventures.

Todd is having great success at work bargaining for higher wages. After a powwow with the Sheriff, and a promise to go and dispatch for the City of Spokane, they agreed that Radio wasn't making enough and they were in an emergency situation. Hopefully this will translate into higher paychecks by the end of the month. Who knew he had it in him? He did let his fellow employees know that they could reward his efforts with a present once the raise came through. I think he actually recalled a situation when we were working for Continental Airlines. We got a new CEO and he came in and turned the worst airline for on-time departures into the best airline for on-time departures, which resulted in quarterly bonuses for all emloyees. The employees were so grateful, that we all chipped in $5 each to buy him a Harley. Of course, there were 30,000 employees working for Continental. Radio only has 16. He told them he would be waiting for his Harley. I think they laughed and said he'd still be waiting.

Our Enrichment meeting last night was on gardening. I have to say I am a huge slacker. These sisters were talking about their huge gardens and how much their kids help and that they already have things planted. It was snowing here on Monday. How can you get things to grow? I think we might get the garden planted by June. We're only novice gardeners though so I think our garden will consist of corn, carrots, peas, tomatoes and zuchinni. We do have some sunflowers that the kids planted and one pumpkin. That's the best we can do. Maybe next year will expand, if we do well this year. I did get my Hostas and Daylillies planted though. Even I can't kill those.
I did post a picture of Riley's dance girls waiting for their recital. This is the costume for their dance to "Lollipop". Thank You Katie for this picture. I think they are adorable.


kim said...

I can not get over how big the kids are. Isn't funny how even though my kids have gotten older, I expect everyone else's to stay just as they were last time I saw them.

I hate gardening. I don't even know keep my house plants alive. I don't can or sew either--it's a good thing I can cook and have babies otherwise I would be a complete failure as a Mormon wife.

Cindy said...

very cute pictures of the kids playing outside. Congrats on Todd hopefully getting the raise for everyone. What a man!!! I missed enrichment. I had no idea there was even an enrichment activity. I guess that's what I get for being in primary and spending most of the 2nd hour trying to get Emilee to enjoy nursery.